For example, you could delete all entries older than January 1, 2013. Hold down the Shift key and click on the last entry in a given range to be deleted. You can sort the calendar items by any of the headings listed: SUBJECT, LOCATION, START, END, RECURRENCE PATTERN, CATEGORIES. They will be sorted by single events and recurring events. Note: The calendar items will be sorted by Start date. Removing Calendar Entries in the List View In the opening Advanced Find dialog box, please go the Advanced tab, and (see screenshot below): (4) Click the Add.
Archiving could be used if you may need access to the old calendar items in the future. Select the email folder where you will search emails by the specific date range, put the cursor into the Instant Search box to activate the Search Tools, and then click Search > Search Tools > Advanced Find. If you need to remove a large number of calendar items in Outlook to free up space or improve performance, you can do it by opening your Calendar in List view or by archiving your calendar.